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In The Scope - Issue Three

Liam Henderson

Hello! Welcome to another issue of In The Scope. In this issue, we'll be talking about working with a local company to promote our Khamsin in a brighter light, as well as what roles we have to offer to work for this wonderful company!

Awards Everywhere!

PFE Group have been nominated for two awards in the past month! We have received a nomination for 'New Innovation of the Year' at this year's Innovation Awards. If you would like to help us out, click here to send in your vote. We are under the name 'Partnership Medical' on the second page of the site.

We have also been nominated for the Staffordshire Chambers Business Awards in the Science, Technology, & Innovation category. Both accolades are rewards for how hard we have worked over the past year and we are very proud to create such a revolutionary product in the medical sector.

Reels In Motion

Our Khamsin is making moves at the moment and we are grateful for local film production company, Reels In Motion, came to record footage for our innovative machine. The final video will be released on our social media platforms in the next few days.

Reels In Motion videographer recording the Khamsin

Final Script

Talking about the Khamsin, PFE Group are working with Aston University to write a peer review paper ready for the final evaluation before we start fitting them into hospitals. It has been a long journey but will all be worth it in the end.

Watch This Space!


T: +44 (0) 1782 594164


Hartley House

Galveston Grove







Seal Colour - Alcumus ISOQAR 45001
Seal Colour - Alcumus ISOQAR 14001_Mono

Certificate Number 8354

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